Thank You, I am trying to research Johannes Theodorus van der Wal dob 1902..actually i have been able to find and locate other family. My question is about last name....I see that when the families VanDerWal have immigrated to USA the names change IE: to Vander Wele or Vandervolger or VanderPoole, however it seems that the family name changed to VanDriel....but while looking further there are many VanDriel's now Im confused and unsure? is VanDriel a name changed in the USA or was it last name in Netherlands separate from VanDerWal?
thank you for whatever help you can!!
The dutch surnames Van der Wal, Van der Wiele, Van de Volger, Van der Poel and Van Driel are absolutely seperate names.
Just like the way the english names Smith, Jones, Cooper or Hunter have got nothing in common
I see no reason, why a dutch immigrant called Van der Wal would change his name into Van der Poel or whatever.
They are/were even proud of their names.
By the way: MyHeritage wants me to pay USD $10.75 to reveal your link, so I can't help you any further.
names are generally concatenated (van der Wal → VanderWal) or spelled phonetically based on Englisch pronunciation (Vanderwall) in American records, but the examples you provided stem from completely different names in Dutch (Vanderwele → van der Wiel; Vanderpool → van der Poel) these would never be used interchangeably with Van der Wal
I assume you are referring to this Johannes Theodorus van der Wal [here], which does not seem plausible based on the US census of 1940 [here] and on this data
this is a theory...
in the US census 1930 we find in Queen's NY a Theodore Vandriel, age 28, Dutch, who came to the US in 1927, and was married since a year to Lucia Vandriel from New York [here]
I found a registration card in Rotterdam for a Jacob Theodorus van Driel, born 09.11.1901 [here], who was married to Adriana Bangma on 22.02.1922. But here's the intriguing part: on the backside of the card a note says he remained in the USA in May 1927... leaving behind his wife and child. Adriana continued to live in Rotterdam until her death on 23.12.1932.
Furthermore, I found a record in the marriage index of Brooklyn NY of a Jacob T Van Driel dated 21.02.1928 (n°2916) [here], married to Lucia Cunningham ...
... and in the NYC marriage license index [here] I found a license issued with n°2921 in the Bronx in 1952 for Jacob T Driel & Mary A Drabik
@Wesley: die genealogiestamboom hoort bij de Rotterdamse gezinskaart die ik in mijn eerdere bericht had geplaatst. Deze J.T. van der Wal overlijdt 1982 in Rotterdam [hier]
bedankt voor je reactie.
Ik kan verder weinig met dit topic, omdat niet duidelijk is, wat de vraag is.
Emigratie naar de VS valt sowieso buiten mijn expertise, dus ik laat het hierbij. 
de eigenlijke vraag, die niet wordt gesteld: wie zijn de voorouders van de vader van Mary C. Policastro-Van Driel