
Forum logoOnderzoek in Europa » von der Burgk & von Spicker

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My name is Peter, I live in St. Petersburg, Russia. I am studying the name "von der Borg", which was common in Estonia and Russia. Thanks to a number of documents, I found that this name came from Saxony, from the name "von der Burgk". Having received new information, I found that in 1658 two representatives of this family (the brothers Engelbert and Johann) received the nobility of Bohemia from King Leopold, as well as the coat of arms, which depicted 2 silver towers on a red background and 2 black crows on a gold background.

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The father of these two brothers - Engelbert von der Burgk - was married to Catharina von Spiecker. They fled the Spanish Netherlands from the persecution of Duke Alba (I dont know certain date). Both of them belonged to famous notable families in the Netherlands. Also there is information that their ancestors in turn came to the Netherlands from Spain.

I tried to find information on my own in the archives, but since I know only Russian and English languages, it is quite difficult for me. Therefore I ask for your help. I will be grateful for any information on the topic that interests me. Maybe the origin of Engelbert or the coat of arms. 

Petr Fadeev.

Peter Fadeev - 22 okt 2017 - 22:32

I suppose this follows on from a detailed posting elsewhere, a Dutch translation from Russian for which is here  (through Google Translate...).

Peter S - 22 okt 2017 - 23:08

Yes, this is my theme about the descendants of Engelbert von der Burg in Saxony.

Peter Fadeev - 22 okt 2017 - 23:10

Hier een link naar de geciteerde bron, waarin een pamflet uit 1668 wordt aangehaald. Blijkbaar zouden de ouders van "Catharina von Spicker" uit de Nederlanden zijn gekomen. Het lijkt me belangrijk voor de vraag om dit pamphlet in te kunnen zien, hoewel er kans op is dat het al volledig is weergegeven in dit stuk.
/Here a link to the cited source wherein a pamphlet from 1668 is cited, apparently the parents of C. van Spicker were Dutch. It seems important to have the entire pamphlet, has it been found, perhaps in a German library?

Peter S - 23 okt 2017 - 08:50

Thanks, I saw this text. I also found necrologs and descriptions of the von der Burg family in Leipzig and Lennep. There is no data on the place of birth (it is simply indicated that they are refugees from the Spanish Netherlands). There is also no information about the names of the parents of Engelbert and Catharina. In the course of my search, I found a petition in which Estonian nobleman von der Borg (a subject of the Russian Empire) proves his descent from this name "Burgk" and claims that "our ancestors from ancient times lived in the Spanish Netherlands and during the Duke of Alba were forced to to flee, some to Livonia, and others to Saxony, and we (in Estonia) descended from this Saxon refugee Johann von der Burg". Johann von der Burg - son of Engelbert and Catharina. He was born 1612 at Lennep. And another moment: "Ernst von der Burgk" In his book he writes what comes from Engelbert von der Burg from Lennep, whose sons distinguished themselves in defense of Leipzig and were granted to the Bohemian nobility in 1658 in Prague. Speech, obviously, about the same persons as above. Thus, Ernst claims that their family leads a history from the 12th century from Spain, from the prince-bishop Engelbert. And then he gives the dates and names of the cities in which representatives of this family lived for many years. Dates and places entirely coincide with the appearance in the annals the "family von der Borch" (coat of arms - 3 jackdaws or 3 crows). I dont know, can we trust this book, but its only information that i have.

Peter Fadeev - 23 okt 2017 - 09:31

I can only provide some very vague speculations, as most Dutch church records end somewhere in the 17th century.

I have not conducted a thorough search, a quick look does show an Engelbert van den Burch(t) as magistrate ("schepen" or "burgemeester") at Arnhem, see here.  From the text mentioned above it does not seem likely to me that he himself came from the Low Countries, but anyway, there it is. These records at Arnhem indicate that that Engelbert was married to Henrisken te Eynde, but the final entry in the database, in 1609-1612, shows him as her former husband ("gewesene echtgenoot"), so I cannot make out whether he or she had died. Anyway this is all pure speculation and I have not researched this Arnhem family.  [Edit - for completeness, the reference to a wedding at Arnhem in 1608 is that of a daughter Walburch, marrying one Philips van Grön(?), son of Euert van Grön(?), from "Burick"] Edit2: so this Engelbert is likely to be much older than yours.

Are there no records for Lennep of citizens of the city, with their origin, that includes a mention of Engelbert?

As for Catharina von Spicker, again, I can only speculate. There are several Dutch villages called Spijk, so she may have come from any one of those. An alternative is that her real name was Spijker or so, which is also a fairly often encountered surname in the 17th century.

Anyway I hope another member of this Forum, who may be better documented than I am, can help you further.

Peter S - 23 okt 2017 - 10:22

Thank you for your help! I suspected that the name Spicker was changed, but I did not know about the variant of Spijker, meanwhile, this name is very common. From the list of Lennep's townspeople, one can only learn that Engelbert was a clothmaker or cloth merchant. And in 1597 he was already exactly living in Lennep. His children were born in 1605, 1608 and 1612, and he died in 1618. It could be his second marriage, as it is said that he left in the Netherlands real estate and all considerable property. That is, he was already an adult and wealthy in the time of Duke Alba. I also do not know whether it is worth creating a separate topic in Heraldry to study the von der Burg coat of arms? Or we can continue in that topic.

Peter Fadeev - 23 okt 2017 - 10:43

If you are certain that you do have a coat of arms of this family I agree best to create a new item on that here. I certainly am not the right person to discuss heraldry with. By the way I added some comments to my earlier message highlighted by "edit".

Peter S - 23 okt 2017 - 10:51

I would also like to quote the originals that I managed to find :
1. From the text about the grandson of Engelbert and Katarina. Here it is said that Engel'ber from the city of Gennep, however, in my opinion this is a misprint, because in the duchy of Berg at that time was the city of Lennep, in which the family Burk lived , and Gennep did not enter the Duchy.

"Avum paternum habuit Engelbertum von der Burg Senatorem Mercatoremque praecipuum in Ducatus Bergensis urbe Gennep: Aviam paternam Catharinam natam Spickeriam, ambos ex antiquis & in Belgio celebribus familiis, ex quo, dum Regis Hispaniae Gubernator, Dux de Alba in Evangelicos diris modis faeviret, extorres facti sunt. "

2. From Ernst von der Burg "Erinnerungen aus Krieg und Frieden" 

"Uas Geschlecht derer von der Burg stammt aus den spanischen Niederlanden. Einer dieses Namens kommt schon im 12. Jahrhundert vor, er war Fürst und Bischof in Spanien und führte den Familienvornamen Engelbertus. Von Spanien zweigten sich verschiedene Linien nach anderen Ländern ab. Im Jahre 1300 lebten mehrere v. d. Burgs im Lippeschen, 1409 in Hildesheim, 1559 in Hessen-Cassel.

Die Verfolgung der Protestanten durch Herzog Alba veranlafste einen Engelbert v. d. Burg, unter Aufgabe seines Besitzes, aus den Niederlanden zu fliehen. Er wandte sich nach Gennep, der Hauptstadt des damaligen Herzogtums Berg, und hinterlief s nach seinem Tode zwei Söhne Engelbert und Johann. Letzterer, am 10. April 1612 geboren, kaufte bei Leipzig das Gut Stötteritz. Eine Urkunde, welche sich in meinen Händen befindet, gibt über diese Brüder Auskunft. In lateinischer Sprache verfafst, datiert vom 20. Ja- nuar 1658, an welchem Tage Leopold, König von Ungarn, Böhmen, Dal- matien etc., dieselbe in seiner Burg zu Prag unterschrieben hat, lautet ein Passus der Urkunde in der Übersetzung, wie folgt:

„Eben das tun Wir auch allergnädigst Euch, Engelbert und Johann de Burgo, weil wir wissen, dafs sich in allem Edlen und Guten Eure alte Familie und Eure Vorfahren auszeichnen, und aus dem gewissenhaften Berichte einiger Unserer Getreuen erkannt haben, dafs sie, vor der zwanzigjährigen Revolution in Belgien und anderen, diesen benach- barten Herrschaften und Provinzen des Allerdurchlauchtigsten imd Aller- katholisehsten Königs von Spanien, zuerst 'Kapitänschaften, darauf aber sehr viele Ämter von höchstem Ansehen und von der höchsten Würde, als beherzte Männer, tapfer kämpfend, verwaltet haben, und deshalb von Unseren erhabenen Vorgängern, den Kömischen Kaisem glorreichen An- gedenkens, mit Ehren geschmückt und geziert sind." Dann werden in dieser Urkunde die Verdienste der Brüder de Burgo aufgeführt, besonders deren Tapferkeit gerühmt, welche sie bei der Ver- teidigung Leipzigs gegen die Schweden im Jahre 1642 betätigt hatten. Es heifst dann weiter: „Darum nehmen wir Euch, Engelbert und JohanndeBurgo, in die Gemeinschaft und Zahl der wahren, alten und unbezweifelten Edlen  Unseres Königreichs Ungarn und der mit ihm verbundenen Landesteile auf, da Ihr Euch schon in den übrigen und auswärtigen Herrschaften und Provinzen der Adelsrechte erfreut. Es würde nicht dem Zweck dieser Aufzeichnungen entsprechen, wollte ich dem Schicksal aller Nachkommen dieser beiden Brüder nachforschen."

As can be understood from this quote, the family was already well known, and not only in the Netherlands.


3. From the Estonian archive, a petition to confirm the nobility. The petition was signed by Johann Engelbert von der Burgk from Eisenach, the grandson of Engelbert von der Burg from Leipzig, who in turn is the grandson of Engelbert von der Burg and Katharina Spicker.

"Nach dem aber einige unserer Vorfahren in Sechzehenten Jahrhundert deswegen ausbesagten Spanien Niederlanden theils nach Liefland, zu ihren Geschlechts Verwanden, theils nach Sachsen geflüchtet, weil sie durch die rasende Wuth des damals bekanntlich tirannisirenden Spanischen Gouverneurs, Herzogs von Alba, mit Hinterlassung ihrer beträchtlichen Güter, der Evangelischen Religion halber vertrieben worden, so hat insbesondere meines Großvaters Engelberts von der Burg weiland Königlich-Pohlnischen und Herzogs Eisenachischen Geheimden Raths, leiblicher Bruder, nahmentlich: Hans Heinrich von der Burg, nach meiner gegründeten Nachrichten sich nach solcher Zeit in Königlich Schwedische Dienste begeben, anfangs als Valantair unter Carl den 12ten  bey des Obristen von Rehbinders Regiment gedient, auch der wichtigen Schlacht bey Narva beygewohnet, worauf er mit nach Pohlen gieng, und als Capitain in Liefland gestorben."

Maybe it will help something.

Peter Fadeev - 23 okt 2017 - 12:41


my name is Jared and am a descendent of Johann Von Der Burg. I have some information that was gathered over decades by other relatives and compiled into a book that I happen to have a copy of. I can send you as much as I can. You can reach me at

Jared - 28 apr 2019 - 09:43

Thank! I sent you a message, but maybe it will get into spam, because contains links. Check, please.

Peter Fadeev - 28 apr 2019 - 12:20

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