Ben op zoek naar meer gegevens over deze Rodolfo (geboren te Irati, Paraná) trouwt in Brazilie met Frida Haagsma (1944/1993). Als er ooit eens een forum bezoeker de naam tegen komt, houd ik mij aanbevolen voor meer informatie.
Het is helaas de enigste info over Rodolfo, en ja de lijst is natuurlijk fantastisch, maar kom er helaas niet verder mee. Maar toch bedankt natuurlijk.
Hoe heet Frida voluit? Alleen Frida?
Inderdaad Frida (zover mijn informatie strekt dus) dochter van Ana Paitra en Barend Haagsma.
(Em português)
Olá. Eu sou o Ivaldo, moro no Brasil, sou pesquisador há mais de 7 anos.
A pessoa que você está procurando, Rodolgo Berger, é tio da minha mãe. A esposa dele, Frida Haagsma, é filha de Barend Haagsma e de Ana Paitra. Se não me engano ela tem 4 irmãos. Para mais detalhes entre em contato.
(In English)
Hello. My name is Ivaldo, I live in Brazil and I have been researching the Berger family for over 7 years. The person you are looking for, Rodolfo Berger, is my mother's uncle. His wife, Frida Haagsma, is the daughter of Barend Haagsma and Ana Paitra. If I'm not mistaken, she has 4 siblings. For more details, please contact me.
Ivaldo Kanarski
Fantastic, I have i this case many questions, maby you know the answere.
- Is the name Frida or Elfrida.
- Did she have a occupasion/proffisão. 3. Date of mariage 4. place of marriage. 5. Date of born Rodolfo. 6. Name of the parents of Rodolfo, correct ?? Alberto Erich BERGER en Herta DUTLER. 7. Name of the children are Vilmar, Airton e Sirene mais filhos ??? 8 is Rodolfo still living ????
- Muito obrigada resposta perguntas, S…. Arie Haagsma
I am surprised, because this is the first time I see someone from another country looking for a person who is in my family tree.
I still do not have the answers you need, but I will check each question and soon I will answer all.
Rodolfo lives in Colonia Gonçalves Junior, in the city of Irati, Paraná. His parents are Arthur Berger and Martha Burkhardt, that are my great-grandparents.
Curiously, Arthur had a brother named Erich Berger, he was married to Hertha Stahn...
Thanks/Obrigada, I wil contacted you by mail