
Forum logoOnderzoek in Nederland » Jurrianus van Bork 17-8-1839 Amsterdam huwelijk,kinderen,overlijden. opgelost

Profiel afbeelding

Jurrianus van Bork geboren 17-8- 1839 Amsterdam

Ouders : Willem van Bork en Sophia Hartog.

ik heb alleen een registratie in de Militieregisters gevonden.

ik zoek datum overlijden  en  verder huwelijk, kinderen?

Mazofam - 5 okt 2020 - 15:15 (laatst bijgewerkt 5 okt 2020 — 15:31 door auteur)

Kun je de onderwerptitel uitbreiden? Vermeld plaats/regio en tijd/tijdvak in de titel svp. Bedankt.


Ben Wegman - 5 okt 2020 - 15:26

Willem van Bork hertrouwde op 8.8.1850 met Elisabeth Mulder.

G. Karssenberg - 5 okt 2020 - 15:40

In 1852/1853 woonden op de Laagte Kadijk: Willem van Bork (24.9.1788 - Maarssen - timmerman), zijn vrouw Elisabeth Mulder (9.4.1798 - Amsterdam) en vier kinderen: Willem (16.6.1831 - likeurstoker), Sophia (8.9.1833 - vertrokken: 4.5.1853), Jan (3.1.1836 - beeldhouwersjongen) en Jurianus (17.8.1839 - schoolleerling).

G. Karssenberg - 5 okt 2020 - 17:35

Ik heb bij overlijden Amsterdam gekeken maar niets gevonden tussen 1852 en 1872, In bevolkingsregister van 1863-1872 komt hij m.i. niet voor.


Ben Wegman - 5 okt 2020 - 18:12

hij werd uitgeschreven bij de volkstelling van 1869 [hier]

Peter B - 5 okt 2020 - 18:35

Kan hem in Ned Indië ook niet traceren.


Ben Wegman - 5 okt 2020 - 20:04

Bedankt allemaal. 
Maar waar ging hij heen en hoe verliep zijn leven verder.

Mazofam - 5 okt 2020 - 20:05

Hello, apologies for the reply in English, but I'm in Australia and don't speak Dutch.

I believe Jurrianus may be my great x2 grandfather who married my great x2 grandmother in Sydney, Australia in 1872. I don't have an exact date of birth for him in the Australian records, and his age changes a little bit throughout the records here, but it appears he was born between 1839 and 1842 in Amsterdam.

His Australian marriage certificate lists him as a mariner (crew) named Jan van Bork, the son of Wilhelm van Bork or van Bock (a joiner) and Sophia Hartoe (it's all handwritten but that's what it looks like from the handwriting). I assume his mother's actual name is Sophia Hartog.

I have just made a post about this myself before coming across your post, so you can look at that for more detail, but think it is probable that Jurrianus is my great x2 grandfather, Jan. 

In addition to the conscription record you mention, I have found bevolkingsregister entries that have Jurianus (spelled with a single R) living with his father, stepmother and some siblings, such as Jan born in 1836. One of the bevolkingsregister entries for Jurianus appears to have originally been entered as Johannes van Bork and then changed to Jurianus. This indicates to me that Jurianus may have gone by the name Johannes back in the Netherlands. which would make him arriving in Australia under the name Jan (later anglicised to John) make a little more sense. I believe the English vesrion of Jurrianus is actually George, but if he was known as Johannes/Jan even in The Netherlands  it would make sense he became known here as John.

If Jurrianus is my great x2 grandfather who moved to Australia, that would explain the lack of a trail for him in the Dutch records. I have a photo of him as an older man. If this is your family and you have photographs of other family members, I'd be happy to send it to you so that you can see if there is any resemblance.

Kind regards,

Kerry - 9 apr 2024 - 04:39

De auteur van het eerste bijdrage in dit bericht heeft aangegeven dat de vraag is beantwoord of het probleem is opgelost.

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